Welcome to VapingCalculator.com!
Different types of vape calculators can help you with various tasks involved in vaping.
Ohm’s law calculators are incredibly handy tools for precisely calculating the resistance of your coil or atomizer. Meanwhile, coil wrapping calculators streamline the process of rebuilding your atomizers, making it a breeze. Similarly, you can make use of battery drain calculators to estimate the energy consumed by your e-cigarette, while mod range calculators can help you determine the ideal atomizer resistance for your vape mod.
If you’re interested in creating your own DIY vape juice, our e-juice mixing calculator is an essential tool. It will streamline the process and ensure accurate measurements for delicious and customized blends. Try it out now and elevate your vaping experience!
We also have a great converter for finding the relationship between different units of measure (millimeters, inches, fractional inches, and wire gauges).
Vape Calculators

Calculate the size and number of wraps required to build an atomizer coil at the specific resistance you want.

Ohm’s Law Calculator – Use to calculate resistance (Ohms), Power (wattage), and current (amps) for your vape setup.

Know exactly how much PG, VG, Nicotine, and flavoring you need for your own custom vape juice mix with this calculator.

See how much smoking costs you over a time period you select (Hint: It’s a Lot!), and it’s not only a financial cost!